Camp Hunt

We go out to Wheeler Mission's Camp Hunt Training Center on the first Sunday of every month. We make supper for the guys, and then stay and fellowship for a Bible study.
Communion Preparation

Preparing communion consists of adding small cups to the serving trays and filling them with grape juice. We also place some "bread" in separate serving trays.
Door Greeters

Door Greeters arrive at the church early and welcome individuals as they enter the building. Greeters distribute bulletins, shake hands, and answer any questions visitors may have.

Nursery volunteers care for kids from birth through age 2 in our designated room downstairs. Kids arrive just before the sermon begins upstairs and leave when the service is over.
Special Music

Groups and individuals who would like to share their musical talent may volunteer to play or sing while offering is collected during the church service. Kids and adults alike are welcome to participate!
Children's Church

Volunteers can choose to work with our elementary students during Sunday services by leading a lesson and activities. A background check is required for all volunteers.